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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Road Taken

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When Hot Talent (HT) was starting out, she was just one of the faces trying to compete with the A-listers of the network. She was a nobody then when Insider Mentor (IM) noticed her potential. In the hierarchy of talents, HT was at the bottom. The projects could not seem to gain momentum. That situation did not stop IM from using her influence to continue giving HT opportunities. IM was pleased because HT was a hard worker. She followed instructions and the mentorship available to her.

Over the years, HT and IM became close. IM could not hide the fact that among the talents, HT was her favorite. She witnessed how HT developed as a talent and even transcended her low points. IM felt that a strong bond was between the two of them.

Time came when HT reached a good position to bargain as far as her career was concerned. IM promised HT projects and a fabulous contract. However, the catch was that time was needed for everything to materialize. HT remained quiet to mull things over. Then, IM felt blindsided and hurt, as HT did the unthinkable for double the offer. IM had no more choice as the bond crumbled.  

‘You can't be overwhelmed by the what-ifs, or you'll miss out on the best part.’ ― Rebekah Crane 

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