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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Kind Heart

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The overwhelming number of talents these days has given rise to more competition for shows than in the past. Every year, new talents have the opportunity to prove their worth and build a name for themselves. Meanwhile, established talents have to think of ways to keep fans and producers interested in them to keep their status. Otherwise, they will be kicked out of their place and relegated into oblivion.

Established Talent (ET) expressed his disappointment to a Production Head (PH) about his lack of projects. ET is versatile and talented, but he has been overlooked by his management. PH felt pity and revealed an unwritten guide. The higher ups are uncomfortable with ET being with Versatile Performer (VP). Apparently, they fear that once ET and VP are together, the latter might be distracted and lose focus on career direction.

In his defense, ET said VP was the one who approached him and that past is past. Besides, they have been estranged for some time now. PH then assured ET that if a project comes that would fit his talent, he will be included. However, such project might come once in a blue moon. The heavens probably heard ET’s plea. PH told VP about ET’s dilemma. VP did not think twice and left the project so that ET can take over the slot.

‘Cheerful givers do not count the cost of what they give. Their hearts are set on pleasing and cheering the person to whom the gift is given.’ − Julian of Norwich

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