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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Avoid Any Public Acknowledgement

Secretive Hunk (SH) has always tried to keep the nosy press off his personal affairs. Repeatedly, SH has been chided for his arrogant behavior of balking at reporters when asked about his love life or anything that has to do with his family. The irony is that social media is full of photos of matters that SH has attempted to keep at a low profile.

While SH thinks his behavior could stop the press and other netizens from prying into his life behind the cameras, certain events have led to exposing his present Love Interest (LI). Unfortunately, LI was placed in the limelight because photos of her being with SH have surfaced in public accounts. Obviously, the two are happy with each other, and still, bashers are unstoppable at leaving distasteful comments that criticize LI. Although some might just be overzealous fans of SH, he has taken it upon himself to defend her as well.

However, good things are bound to end, especially in the local entertainment industry that dictates upon the personal affairs of talents. SH is groomed as a heartthrob and during his peak, his followers were too overwhelmed at his appeal and would swoon over his abs. The bonus part is that SH could act, which made his combination of looks, body, and talent lethal, such that his projects came one after the other. Things slowed down when a new talent became the favorite of the executives, and thus, SH was relegated to projects aired at a later timeslot.

Given his closeness to LI, the management has instructed SH not to be seen as often with her. This directive comes at the helm of a project that topbills SH and his Former Love interest (FL). Some time ago, the gossip mill was active with speculations on the relationship of SH and FL, which resulted from the many photos showing them sharing a round of drinks. Being single at that time, fans started hoping they would indeed end up with each other. However, SH was linked to other celebrities, and so was FL.

With their project together, the management does not want any issue that might affect the illusion of their loveteam. Although the marketing spins could take care of that aspect, the presence of a clingy LI might complicate matters. LI has been accused of being too clingy and wanting to have SH always to be near her. Worse, LI has even been branded as someone who wants fame, which is why she is sticking close to SH. SH could not really do anything, as he apparently likes LI, who comes from an influential family. The next few weeks will reveal if SH would obey his management or not. However, his past choices have seemed to indicate that he values his career more than anything else does.

‘I am so attracted to ambition and drive and talent. If a man loves something and can put his heart into it, I am instantly into him. I like a strong man who can be in control and make decisions but who is sensitive and attentive. That is the perfect combination.’ – Meaghan Rath

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  1. Hula lang:

    SH - P
    LI - the gf
    FL - M

    not sure kasi wala naman akong nababalita na clingy si LI. Sabagay, non-showbiz siya.

  2. P of KaF..Initials are in thr title

  3. SH-E
    mga ka-f

    LI-J starlet ng ?

  4. Replies
    1. yung arrogante sa press na P... di yung mabait na P... clarify lang...hehehehe

  5. si P at ang hilaw na ka LT niyang si M

    1. ok gets ko na.

    2. Baks panong hilaw explain mo nga 1:06 ikaw nmn paexpert ka no manghuhula nalang memasay pa na iba kaloka.

  6. SH-P

    Tama ba? :)

  7. SH - ang tumutulang pa-deep actor
    FL - ang flirt

  8. SH - P LI - N FL - M Hmmkay! Chas! Infairness kay P, magaling na actor. Bet ko sya sa noon sa RShow. Si N naman ewan ko ang nega. LOL

  9. si Sh ba ay si P from KaH then nag transfer to Kaf!?

  10. SH - P LI - dont know the name of the girl but have seen pix of them together FL - M

  11. Hay naku, mas bet ko naman sina P and M rather than P and N..

  12. sh is P
    li is N the gf n madaming bashers haha
    fl is m ang hindi gf pero sobrang clingy, clingy sa lahat

  13. Mas curious ako kung sino yung new talent na sumapaw ke SH at lumamya ang career niya.

  14. Eh kase boring si N so dats why hndi siguro enjoy sakanya si P kya ayan lol. At obvious nmn sa look ni N u know na feeling lol.

  15. SH is P. I really find him arrogant. LI is N, but I doubt she's clingy. She deserves someone better than P.



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