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Monday, October 3, 2016

How to Fight Zika Safely!

The cases of Zika very suddenly caused alarms in our country, is a known disease carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Now, there have been 12 reported cases and one of them is a 19 weeks pregnant woman in Cebu. Based on the research about Zika, there’s a possibility that the child might suffer birth defects so even though Zika is still not widespread and have not caused any deaths, it’s still best to be vigilant and to make sure we can fight it as early as now! How?

1. When symptoms of Zika are present (rashes, fever, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain), seek a physician’s help. Not because the disease is deadly, but to spread awareness at a certain area so that people can prevent it from happening to their household.

2. When you suspect you have Zika, abstain from sexual intercourse and refrain from bloodletting activities in a span of 6 months. With this, you will be able to prevent it from spreading even more.

3. If you have Zika virus and there are pregnant women around you, stay away in that area to prevent it from infecting the pregnant women. 

Also, make sure you are prepared with an aerosol spray like Strike Multi-Insect Killer Spray which is a safe and effective water-based insecticides that can get rid of mosquitoes. Other than that, there are other Strike variants that reliable and long lasting which can keep the mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus away from infecting people especially pregnant woman.

Unlike other brands that are oil-based and alcohol-based which leave stains, cause harm to human, plants and animals and has very poor killing effect on insects, Strike Multi-Insect Killer Spray has triple fast killing action formula made proven by a clinical study that takes effect within 10 minutes killing 50 mosquitoes compared to other leading brands.

Strike variants is proven effective and very much affordable compared to other mosquito killing brands! Para iwas dengue at Zika, Strike agad! Let’s fight Zika now.

Like Strike Multi Insect Killer page on Facebook.

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