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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Why Controlling Blood Sugar Level is Important

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“I feel normal, in fact I feel good. Why is it so important to keep track on my blood sugar level?” one way or another, people who have been diagnosed with diabetes have said that exact same thing. Blood sugar level rises gradually and at first, it wouldn’t give you signs and symptoms. It won’t tell you that you have diabetes or some sort of blood sugar level problem until such time that it cannot be reversed anymore. Some may experience kidney failure, stroke, heart attack and blindness all because of an uncontrolled blood sugar level which led to diabetes. This is why it is important to have your blood sugar level controlled as early as you can. To help you control it successfully, here are tips that you can follow:

  • Keep your blood glucose within the normal range by minding what you eat. Food and drinks with added sugar should be completely be out of your dietary meal plan.
  • Increase the physical activity by exercising regularly every day. A good 30 minute exercise can do so much in your workout routine than nothing at all.
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Blood sugar is easily maintained if you have a healthy weight.
Aside from these 3 helpful and simple tips, there are supplements that has the ability to help in controlling the blood sugar level. When it comes to supplements, it’s best to look for Ampalaya supplements or anything that has the combination of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang. According to studies these ingredients are popular for its health benefits like managing insulin levels, lowering blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptoms and stimulating the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption—these ingredients may be able to deliver aid especially for blood sugar control—the must-try product that has all these ingredients is BitterGo. It has all the ingredients needed for aiding in blood sugar control! Ampalaya has the ability to lower the amount of sugar in the blood, Banaba helps in controlling the spike up of sugar levels, Luyang Dilaw promotes good control in blood sugar levels and Bawang/Garlic helps in increasing insulin which improves the body’s glucose tolerance and helps in lowering cholesterol levels as well. If you feel like it’s hard to get this product, do what I did. I checked and found BitterGo at Mercury Drug!

Now, you can easily control your blood sugar level and avoid risks of chronic diseases.

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