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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Last Push Before Graduation

The sleepless nights over projects, thesis, reporting and whatnot is coming to an end. Ever felt like you’re almost at the finish line but you’re still sort of drowning from everything else? The last push before graduation will never be easy that’s why you need to make sure you are focused and energized. This is the last time you’ll be doing requirements for school because soon enough you will face the real world. But seriously, how do you keep up with all these requirements? Here’s something that may help you dominate yourself for this one last push:

  1. Be careful with your time management and make sure you have a to-do list that you will follow.
  2. Do not forget your deadlines. At this point in time, everything you do is crucial so make sure you meet your deadlines until the very last requirement.
  3. Make sure you continue your lively aura, be energized and avoid slugging off just because you’re on your last days before officially graduating. Look for something that will give you your energy boost!

Yes, there are supplements that can help you fight exhaustion while making you feel energized!

Get extra energy from food supplements with combinations of Taurine, Ginseng, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 can also help in providing daily energy boost as these components may have the ability to provide extra energy while improving alertness and focus.
Taurine and Ginseng promotes alertness, reduces stress and provide energy boost, Sodium Ascorbate helps in tiredness prevention and muscle weakness, Vitamin B1 aids in converting food into energy, Vitamin B6 enhances metabolism speed and Vitamin B12 aids in energy production. Now if you think it’s hard to find a product that has benefits like this and caffeine free check Mercury Drug and get your Robust Energy there!

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