Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to Maintain A Healthy Blood Sugar Level

Blood sugar problems do not happen in a snap of a finger. These problems rise over a course of time and when you don’t watch out for it, you are at high risk in getting diabetes and coronary heart disease. There are helpful ways you can maintain a healthy blood sugar level:

1. Exercise on a daily basis – exercising does not mean submitting yourself to a long and extensive workout. A good 30 minute walk can do the trick when you allow yourself to do it every day. This strengthens the muscles which makes it more receptive to insulin.

2. Eat several small meals daily – when you eat several small meals, you’re helping yourself avoid high or even low blood sugar as it keeps you full and energized the entire day.

3. Consume more fiber – the more fiber you have, the more you can avoid blood sugar spike up. Fiber makes you feel fuller that helps in the avoidance of overeating and over consuming of unhealthy products.

4. Get a good sleep – less than 6 hours of sleep causes high blood sugar levels and increases insulin resistance. When you get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep, you are avoiding increase in the blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.

5. Take helpful supplements – supplements that are made to aid in diabetes contain a significant amount of powerful natural ingredients that supervise and control the blood sugar level like BitterGo.

BitterGo is an all-natural dietary food supplement that is made from Ampalaya Extract, Banaba Extract, Luyang Dilaw Extract, and the ONLY SUPPLEMENT WITH Bawang Extract. This extraordinary combination helps manage insulin levels, lowers blood sugar levels, aids in managing diabetes symptom and stimulates the pancreas, spleen and liver to intensify absorption.

BitterGo is high content 100% Pure Extract of Ampalaya, Banaba, Luyang Dilaw and Bawang that is made more effective than powdered ingredients. It is a product of extensive research and development that guarantees top quality and excellent promising health results which makes it absolutely different from other supplements.

Note that, BitterGo is not a medicinal drug and should not be used to treat the symptoms of any disease.

BitterGo is SRP P7.50 per piece, available at all Mercury Drug, Watsons, South Star, Generica, SM Supermarkets and other leading drugstores and supermarkets nationwide!

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