Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How Can She Mend a Broken Ego

Image courtesy of www.discardstudies.com

Hmmm, Pretty Star PS must be still smarting from all the bashing she got from her most recent major faux pas. Heard that in spite of her positive reactions she posted online on the issue, PS didn’t actually take the criticisms kindly. And it showed in her public appearances days after.

To many showbiz watchers, PS seems to bank on her good looks thinking that she can make up for it for whatever shortcomings she has, notably in talent…and attitude.

PS was asked to perform for a Big Event BE, along with several other celebrities. Several stars have performed ahead of her and were warmly received and some even elicited big applause from the audience. When PS came out of the stage, she was expecting for the same welcome, too, but she was greatly disappointed.

No big applause greeted her, the audience had no reaction when she entered the ramp. PS who expected so much, felt so pissed by what seemed like a big snub. Reportedly, she wanted to just evaporate right that minute.

Backstage after her number, her tantrum reared its ugly head as she turned her ire on people who crossed her path, literally. PS reportedly snubbed some foreign models who wanted a photo with her. She looked bad and wanted to leave asap but she was reminded that she could not leave as there was still a finale number for all the performers.

Reportedly, PS went out to chill for some coffee elsewhere, where again she showed her bitchy look that didn’t want to be bothered.

Indeed, it was a long and flop day for PS. Such was an ‘aha’ moment for her – if she knows  what it means.

“Ignorance is a lot like alcohol: the more you have of it, the less you are able to see its effect on you.” ~ Jay M. Bylsma

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Monday, September 29, 2014

His Never Ending Make Believe

Image courtesy of www.pixabay.com

Relieved Actor RA had never been more proud as he paraded His Girl HG at an Event EV for all to see. RA walked beaming with his equally smiling date HG, amid the shocked faces of those present at the event.. particularly the doubting Thomases. He believed that his silence was the reason why they have been too persistent at ‘crucifying’ him for the longest time,   

Thus to put an end to speculation, RA decided to confront these doubters head on, and nothing can be a more fitting occasion than at EV to execute it. Indeed, right there before their very eyes proudly walked RA as if silently telling his critics ‘eat your hearts out.’

All through the night, RA and HG were enjoying themselves, but unknown to RA, Someone Close SC to him was hurting, badly hurting. SC was reportedly so jealous of HG, and felt his world crumbled that night. He tried to call RA many times but he wouldn’t pick up, and that got SC more depressed. Obviously, RA was all over the party and answering calls was not a priority.  

It was only when the event was over did RA knew of SC’s missed calls which he immediately returned. He got the shock of his life when he learned that SC overdosed on some pills and was just brought to the hospital. Another letdown.

Uh oh…how long will RA wear a mask? Unless he does a turnaround, the doubters will always have a field day.

“The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you've just told them.” ~ Rachel Maddow

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Himig Handog 2014 Results

Images courtesy of Instagram: starmagicphils

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Be Kind to Your Makeup Artists

Image courtesy of www.room4halcombeschool2011.blogspot.com

Scholarly Actress (SA) is a favorite among makeup artists and stylists. Yes, SA is such a favorite as her name tops their hate list. These people unanimously do not want to work with SA, if they had a choice.

Before any performer goes on stage or in front of the camera, he/she has to be made-up. A bad make-up can ruin the beauty of a performer, whereas a good one can enhance any beauty-challenged star. In fact, several actors and actresses have been mistaken of having a nose job because their makeup artists have successfully created the illusion of a finely chiseled nose.

When SA sits down on the chair, she becomes too particular at how the makeup artist will work on her. Before the makeup artist can finish the work, expect SA to complain. Sometimes the ranting starts even before the makeup artist can begin work. Worse, SA can be so irritating when her hair is handled. She immediately says she’s getting hurt. It’s no wonder that her hair has the same style, straight and flat, in most of her shows.

Anyone who wants to look good in showbiz must deal with the minor irritations that makeup could possibly bring as well as the slight pain that tugging and styling of the hair might cause. As most performers acknowledge, “tiis-ganda” has to be practiced when one faces the public. SA, though she might not be as popular as the other actresses in her network, already has carved a name for herself, and thus, is easily recognizable. Hence, she can be easily criticized if she comes out looking ordinary.

Perhaps, SA can learn a thing or two about bigger stars who have developed rapport with certain makeup artists and stylists. We don’t hear about these bigger stars being the subject of complaints of the staff. Then, of course, if she’s as skillful as her complaining, then SA can do her own makeup, and spare the ordinary folk from her rantings. Though SA belongs to the rare set of showbiz personalities who publicly acknowledge they are prioritizing education, SA is proof that education does not guarantee character.

“If you are rude, cynical, habitually-sarcastic or pessimistic, your life options are going to be very limited.” ― Bryant McGill

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Insta Scoop: Tiya Pusit's Son Clarifies Misunderstanding with Benefit Concert Organizers

Image courtesy of Instagram: sherilynrtan

Image courtesy of Twitter: Xtianuybengkee